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Dec 30, 2017

Cory and Joel cover African cichlids, one of the most popular freshwater choices in the aquarium hobby.  This episode of Real Fish Talk will give you everything African cichlid; from how to set up a tank to minimize potential aggression, feeding, breeding, the different lake cichlids like Bumblebee Cichlids from Malawai...

Dec 27, 2017

Cory and Joel talk about the options for fish that clean your aquarium and get in-depth with good all-purpose options to highly specialized options.  From Plecostomus like the bristlenose, to shrimp, snails, corydoras and even goldfish, the Real Fish Talk team give advice and stories from their own experience about...

Dec 24, 2017

Steamed live in YouTube 12/23/2017


aquarium, aquariums, fish, freshwater, guppies, guppy, koi, planted, podcast, store, tank, tanks, shrimp, nano

Dec 20, 2017

Cory and Joel talk about something near and dear to Cory’s heart: Fancy Guppies! The Real Fish Talk team cover everything guppy; from different types of tails like Japan Blue Lyretails, to heirloom strains of fancy guppies like Moscow guppies, you’ll learn about the wide world of guppies and how they’ve changed in...

Dec 17, 2017

Recorded live on YouTube 12-16-2017


We will talk about different tank setups for bettas. What fish go well with them. What environmental factors to watch out for etc.


aquarium, aquariums, fish, freshwater, guppies, guppy, koi, planted, podcast, store, tank, tanks, shrimp, nano