Jan 31, 2016
n part 2 of this talk I talk about different fish from Tanganyika. Like Tropheus, multies, Birchardi, Julidochromis etc.
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Jan 24, 2016
Today I discuss setting up of a African Cichlid tank. I talk about some common Malawi cichlids, and break them into groups such as Dwarf Mbuna, Peacocks, and Haps. Check out part 2 for Tanganyika cichlids and Victorian Cichlids.
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Jan 10, 2016
Today we talk about feeding goldfish. Which some might think is easy since they'll eat about anything. However goldfish need protein light diets with lots of spirulina or vegetable matter in their diet. We also talk about bloat issues and how to avoid them as well as correct them. So make sure you stay tuned to learn...
Jan 6, 2016
In this episode we talk about how to sterilize nets, equipment, aquariums etc. We talk about salt dips, Potassium permanganate, bleach, chlorine, net dips etc. We also talk about bio security and the things we are afraid of spreading. Whether it be through a siphon hose or net.
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Jan 6, 2016
We touch on a few different topics in this episode. Water changes, aquarium sizes, picking equipment, sustainability of the way we keep fish etc. This is a longer format episode, Do you enjoy this type of content or prefer 1 topic per episode etc?
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