Feb 21, 2017
We'll be talking about shrimp! Lucas recently won the Chicago
International shrimp contest for his Neos taking first place! He
has his own youtube channel where he shares his knowledge. Check
him out. https://www.youtube.com/user/lbknuggs...
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Aquarium Aquariums...
Feb 13, 2017
I plan to talk about loaches. I love clown loaches! I'll talk
about my new plans for a clown loach tank as well.
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Aquarium Aquariums Fish Tank Freshwater Planted...
Feb 6, 2017
It's been a couple months since I've talked about guppies and I know a lot of viewers have been getting into them recently. Guppy fish talk is sure to help some people tonight.
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Aquarium Aquariums Fish Tank Freshwater Planted...