Apr 24, 2017
I love Guppies and haven't talked about them in a live stream in a long time. We talk about how to set up a guppy tank. How to raise guppy fry, guppies giving birth, guppy foods etc.
Aquarium Aquariums Fish Tank Freshwater Planted Tanks Podcast
Apr 17, 2017
We'll have some deals for everyone online. We'll be hanging out and answering your questions.
Aquarium Aquariums Fish Tank Freshwater Planted Tanks Podcast
Apr 11, 2017
I gave this talk to the Pacific Coast Cichlid Association in March 2017. My talk was called: Confessions of a fish store owner and I was asked to speak on how to open a fish store. Thank you for having me out and to all the fans who showed up to support me.
Aquarium Aquariums Fish Tank Freshwater Planted...
Apr 3, 2017
I want to have a civil discussion about filtration and the culture around filtration. Aquarium Filters whether it's DIY or very expensive or old etc all works.
Aquarium Aquariums Fish Tank Freshwater Planted Tanks Podcast
Apr 2, 2017
Impromptu Livestream with Steenfott Aquatics Crashing the party! Laughs were had for sure.
Aquarium Aquariums Fish Tank Freshwater Planted Tanks Podcast