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Jul 24, 2017

Streamed live on YouTube 7/23/2017


aquarium, aquariums, fish, freshwater, guppies, guppy, koi, planted, podcast, store, tank, tanks, shrimp

Jul 19, 2017

I was preparing to give my talk this weekend at the Youngstown Ohio Aquarium Club and thought I should record it as a podcast.

Jul 17, 2017

Streamed live on YouTube 7/16/2017


aquarium, aquariums, fish, freshwater, guppies, guppy, koi, planted, podcast, store, tank, tanks, shrimp

Jul 11, 2017

First live Stream with Jimmy of Aquarium Co-Op

Jul 10, 2017

Live stream from YouTube 7.9.2017


Jimmy has been editing our videos for about 6 months. We have relocated him to Washington and now he can be on camera as well!


aquarium, aquariums, fish, freshwater, guppies, guppy, koi, planted, podcast, store, tank, tanks, shrimp